Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) was founded in 1982 and the main mission of this university is to train academic staff as well as researchers for universities and higher education centers in Iran.
The aim of university is producing and promoting of advantageous knowledge, extending the boundaries of knowledge and technology, and higher educational and research centers for the needed fields and for the purpose of expansion of higher education and fundamental change in the Iranian higher education and development and reinforcement of the movement of science production and software movement and increase our share in the scientific production and development of humanities and emphasis on Islamic fundamentals and national needs and modern and applied technologies by interaction with scientific, regional and international centers.
Currently, the scientific activities of the University embrace a wide range of varying science domains, made up of 169 fields of Master’s Programs and 129 fields of Doctoral Programs, offered by 17 Faculties:
and 16 Research Centers and Research Institutes, including:
Such cases enable the only comprehensive postgraduate university not only to enjoy an effective and valuable share in production of science and meet the scientific and research needs, but also play a vital role in the achievement of a merit scientific standing via a scientific continuous movement together with other academic centers.
University has 9848 students and enjoys 727 faculty members,
With a constant emphasis on the quality of education, research, student, cultural and international scientific affairs, Tarbiat Modares University, by moving several steps upward, has achieved the standing of three top universities in Iran and the top universities in Iran, subject to Clause (G) of Article (50) of Fourth Development Plan Act and 10 top universities of Islamic World and the Middle East. It is noteworthy that according to the latest ranking of Iranian universities in respect of production of science released in ISI database of Islamic World Science Citation Center, Tarbiat Modares University has achieved the first place.
For more information about the university, please visit its website: https://www.modares.ac.ir/
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